E-Signatures through text, email and web portal
Reduce Fees, Risk and Chargebacks
Proof of payment authorization is becoming more important by the day. Increasing lawsuits, disputes and chargebacks means its becoming critical to collect and store proof of payment authorization at every opportunity. Having the capability to capture E-Signatures is a vital piece of any accounts receivable software.
SaturnSign makes that quick and simple enough to be handled while an agent is on the phone. SaturnSign also works with PlutoPay to ensure you collect E-Signatures on all of your web payments as well, automatically attaching them to the account for easy access later on.
Simplify Payment Authorization
Universal Signature Link, Nothing to Download
Consumers Can Sign on Any Device They Have
Collect E-Signatures Through Text and Email
Consumers Can Sign From Anywhere
Confirmation Number Provided
Agency Defined Text
E-Signatures on Any Device
Quickly Capture and Store E-Signatures
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